Interdisciplinary workshop in Erlangen as part of work package 4 within the AGELESS project.
A multidisciplinary scientific workshop in order to transfer the paleontological patterns to the current blue ocean problem.
The workshop is intended to bring together the staff of the AGELESS consortium with external experts and to achieve a maximum of know-how. Experts from the established BioDeepTime consortium and other experts will be brought together with the AGELESS working groups, whereby AGELESS is particularly looking for expertise on the large paleo-plankton databases and on time series analyses.
The objectives of the workshop are:
- the creation of a common knowledge base and language;
- team building within AGELESS;
- further development of the further development of the range of methods for bridging time scales for biodiversity changes and
- strategies to translate the results into climate-smart in climate-smart marine protected areas.
Participating BioDeepTime members: Wolfgang Kiessling (FAU), Marina Costa Rillo (Oldenburg / FAU), Pincelli Hull (Yale, USA), Adam Tomasovych (Bratislava, SK)
AGELESS is funded by the BMBF and a joined initiative by