“There have been 121 bryozoan species recorded from marine and freshwater ecosystems in Singapore. Here, 12 additional species, three of them new to science, are recorded for the first time in Singapore based on a targeted bryozoan collection campaign in 2019, bringing the bryozoan species tally to 133 species. The new records comprise one species each from the orders Cyclostomata and Ctenostomata and 10 species of Cheilostomata. Systematic notes are provided for the nine species representing new geographic records. One of them, a cyclostome of uncertain species identity, is left in open nomenclature. Full descriptions are provided for the new taxa, which comprise Reptadeonella riatanae, new species, Arthropoma subarensis, new species, and Microporella sargassophilia, new species. A full description and illustrations are also provided for topotypic material of a little-known cribrimorph cheilostome, Cribrilaria vicariata (Waters, 1923), for which Singapore is the type locality. Selected other species are illustrated by scanning electron microscopy for the first time. The majority of the species were found along the southern islands of mainland Singapore, mostly encrusting on coral rubble. The new records and species supplement the last comprehensive checklist produced in 2016, with prospects for further biodiversity discoveries and ecological analyses of the bryozoological fauna of Singapore. Targeted collecting of Bryozoa also yielded the first record of the hemichordate class Pterobranchia (Rhabdopleura sp.) in Singapore.” Published in the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology