Middle Anisian Ammonoidea from Rüdersdorf
Middle Anisian (Bithynian to Illyrian?, Middle Triassic) Ammonoidea from Rüdersdorf (Brandenburg, Germany) with a revision of Beneckeia Mojsisovics, 1882 and notes on migratory pathways
Middle Anisian (Bithynian to Illyrian?, Middle Triassic) Ammonoidea from Rüdersdorf (Brandenburg, Germany) with a revision of Beneckeia Mojsisovics, 1882 and notes on migratory pathways
Ancient Reef Traits, a database of trait information for reef-building organisms over the Phanerozoic
Global warming generates predictable extinctions of warm- and cold-water marine benthic invertebrates via thermal habitat loss
Post-extinction recovery of the Phanerozoic oceans and biodiversity hotspots
Triassic Revolution