Early Jurassic stem-mammals
Reptile-like physiology in Early Jurassic stem-mammals, by Newham et al. co-authored by M. Benton
Reptile-like physiology in Early Jurassic stem-mammals, by Newham et al. co-authored by M. Benton
A new article is published in Science with Wolfgang Kiessling as author - congratulations!
Late Triassic island dwarfs? Terrestrial tetrapods of the Ruthin fissure (South Wales, UK) including a new genus of procolophonid - by Skinner, Whiteside & Benton
Beginning of Mesozoic marine overstep of the Mendips: The Rhaetian and its fauna at Hapsford Bridge, Vallis Vale, Somerset, UK by Ronan and colleagues with contribution by M. Benton
Paleoenvironmental significance of the monospecific biostromes in the Campanian-Maastrichtian Duwi Formation (Eastern Desert, Egypt), B. Seuss as co-author